Mergers & Acquisitions Services

Best match results for mergers & acquisitions services in Australia + 5km.

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    Contact us and supply your prior year tax return and financials and we will provide a free review showing you how to save money and whether any issues are present.

    Since 1996 we have been advising business owners, boards and senior management teams. During that time we've assisted over 100 clients in 200 engagements - including over 40 M&A transactions. Other engagements have included: joint venture formation; strategic reviews; capital raising; shadow equity plans; independent expert's reports; business valuation and modelling. For business owners or boards considering selling, First City offers exposure that includes North America, South America,... Read more

    Access Analytic provides AMAZING Excel solutions that help companies grow faster, reduce cost and reduce risk. We specialise in spreadsheet re-engineering, financial modelling, reporting & dashboards, and training. We’re a team of highly-experienced finance professionals, with expertise in Excel and Microsoft Power BI. We help you free up time and reduce costs by streamlining inefficient processes, and maximise the value of your data so you can make decisions with confidence. Read more

    Directors Peter Gwynne and Joanne Woodbridge and all of Hallmarks business brokerage team are attracted by a sophisticated working environment, salary-based remuneration and access to internal support staff that include management experts, accountants and digital marketing professionals and services. Peter is a qualified business valuer, he has: **A background of over 29 years experience in international business banking, specialising in investments. **24 years of business sales experience... Read more

    Acquisiti is one of Australia's leading corporate advisory firms specialising in the preparation and sale of businesses with revenues between $2m and $200m, with particular specialisation in services sectors such as recruitment & labour hire, training, marketing communications, ICT consulting & services, management consulting and healthcare/NDIS. Read more

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